Second chance

Stimulating resilience and enabling rebound

Following the Pulse Board’s decision in late March 2020 to act alongside our entrepreneurs directly affected by the crisis, we officially launched the Revival program on December 16, 2020.

Deuxième chance

Un pass dans l’impasse

Un pass dans l’impasse is a non-profit organization dedicated to suicide prevention and, more broadly, to improving mental health.

The association has launched a special scheme to help self-employed people in distress by giving them access to free, anonymous psychological support. In particular, the Foundation supports the development of a network of sentinels. These are people close to entrepreneurs and the self-employed, trained on a voluntary basis to detect the first signs of distress and refer them to health professionals.

Un pass
Un pass dans l’impasse


Oasis is an initiative of Réseau Entreprendre Bruxelles, which aims to provide entrepreneurs in difficulty with the support they need to help them avoid an unfavorable outcome.