Our vision

Every individual knows that they can dream of being an entrepreneur and has the right to live their own entrepreneurial experience according to their own ambitions.

Entrepreneurship is a norm, recognized as a tool of general interest.

Notre mission

Our mission

The Pulse Foundation brings together numerous entrepreneurial families who share the same vision :

Through the jobs and added value it creates, through the innovation and creativity it generates, through the fulfillment it enables, entrepreneurship is the key to many (if not all) of today’s and tomorrow’s societal challenges.


By supporting entrepreneurship, Pulse takes a cross-disciplinary and sustainable approach to issues ranging from education, employment, inclusion, access to healthcare, the environment and emancipation.

Pulse’s ambition is to stimulate and promote entrepreneurial culture from the earliest age; to ensure access to all entrepreneurs of all ambitions; to guarantee that the ecosystem fosters the potential of all our entrepreneurs, everywhere in Belgium.

The Board of Directors

The Board of Directors, bringing together representatives of donor families, is the Foundation’s central body. It decides on the granting of subsidies and validates the strategic orientations proposed by the operational team.

The presidency

Le comte Tanguy du Monceau
Le comte Tanguy du Monceau
Monsieur Jan Vander Stichele
Monsieur Jan Vander Stichele

The Administrators

Madame Blandine Mulliez
Madame Blandine MulliezLa Fondation Entreprendre
Madame Aurélie d’Andrimont
Madame Aurélie d’Andrimont
 Baronne Marie de Vicq de Cumptich
Baronne Marie de Vicq de Cumptich
Monsieur Xavier Van Campenhout
Monsieur Xavier Van Campenhout
Monsieur Grégoire de Streel
Monsieur Grégoire de Streel
Monsieur Régis Mulliez
Monsieur Régis Mulliez
Monsieur Olivier Van Regemortel
Monsieur Olivier Van Regemortel
Monsieur Adrien Dassault
Monsieur Adrien Dassault
Monsieur Philippe Meert
Monsieur Philippe Meert
Monsieur Charles Kesteloot
Monsieur Charles Kesteloot

The Operational Team

Our operational team embodies the values and image of the Foundation. It is composed of entrepreneurs, at least trilingual, constantly striving for excellence and impact.

Emmanuelle Ghislain
Emmanuelle GhislainCEO
Olivia Degueldre
Olivia DegueldreCOO
Victoria Cannilla
Victoria CannillaBEyond Program Director
Romain Degen
Romain DegenCommunication Manager
Edouard Moreels
Edouard MoreelsRevival Program Director Flanders & Brussels (NL)
Sébastien Hamende
Sébastien HamendeRevival Program Director Wallonia & Brussels (FR)
Maurane Colson
Maurane ColsonCommunication Builder
Dorothée Druez
Dorothée DruezAdmin Manager


Pulse draws its resources solely from the generosity of its donors, many of whom have been with the Foundation since its inception. This source of private donations is particularly valuable as it allows us to act neutrally and independently, allowing us to defend entrepreneurship to the full, and to emphasize at every level the crucial role it plays and will increasingly play in the future.